Get ready everyone for the club’s 4th Annual Chili Cook-Off to be held on Tuesday, February 4th from 12:00-3:00pm at The Grill. When entering a chili to be judged, please bring it in a crockpot along with a ladle for serving and an ingredients list (for those who need to check for allergies). For those who are not entering a chili, please consider bringing a bread or dessert to share. If you’d like to be “green” consider providing your own spoon, bowl (or muffin tin!) Everyone should bring a beverage of their choice. Your PB Board will supply multi-strips with extension cords, water, ice and a limited supply of utensils/cups/etc. Ballots will also be provided This year’s winner will go home with the coveted trophy which he/she can proudly display for all of 2020!! So come on out and join the fun!!

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!