So what is new at the pickleball courts today – March 20, 2020 –

Let me preface all of this by saying, as a board and a community, we will continue to suspend all social events and community play until at least April 15, 2020. If you choose to engage in pickleball play, you do so at your own discretion. 

Reduced number of nets – With both the blessing of the board members and Jim Whitmore, Brad and I removed one net from each pair of courts today. That now means there are 3 courts thoughtfully spaced apart for greater social distancing and a maximum of 12 people in the total area.

New procedures – Although we are not supporting the practice, only personal arranged games or individual/pairs play is to be done. No drop in play is permitted. If you choose to come to the pickleball courts, we would like you to limit your play to no more than 90 minutes for a foursome or a pair or 60 minutes for individuals using the ball machine or hoppers.

If you or your group arrive and the courts are full, please ask what time those currently playing will be finished.  The whiteboard is available under the covered area. If necessary, you can write your name under the court number that you would like to use, thus “holding your spot”. Then make a decision about waiting that limits contact to no more than 10 people in the pickleball area (including those folks playing). You can come back later to play. You can spread out and wait in the pool area. You can remain in the parking lot or in your vehicles. Please do not pull chairs together and wait in the social area. The amount of furniture there has been reduced for a reason. As always, continue to use all Best Health Practices that have been instituted previously, including sanitizing community pickleballs, wiping down surfaces you or your group have used and social distancing practices.

Deb reached out to the tennis folks to ask about using their practice board as an option for those who still would like to individually work on their skills. They have graciously agreed to allow us to do that. However, please do not put tape or markings of any kind on the board, as it might damage the surface. And most importantly, remember that we are guests in their house. Tennis players will always get priority over using the court or wall at all times.

Okay folks, that’s it for today. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we continue to work on the safest and most responsible way to meet everyone’s needs in these turbulent times.


Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!