According to the amended Phase 2 Governor’s order, face coverings are now required in indoor and outdoor public spaces. If you read Jim Whitmore’s email this morning he stated, “…while participating in exercise like… pickleball… face coverings are not required but recommended if the participant is comfortable doing so. As some of these previously listed exercise activities are social in nature, all participants are encouraged to keep the proper social distancing measures in any of the gathering locations and must wear a face covering when entering or exiting the playing areas. This relates mostly to the court areas and pool deck space.”

So bottom line, you do NOT have to wear a face covering WHILE playing pickleball. But you MUST wear a face covering coming to/leaving the courts and if you enter the pool area to use the restroom or any other reason.

Here’s the big one – right now IF PEOPLE CAN MAINTAIN PROPER SOCIAL DISTANCING in the social area and on the back wooden benches, you will not be required to wear a face covering while you are waiting to play. To that end I have placed red tape on the ground in the social area and red X’s on the back wooden bench indicating proper distancing. Basically if we use the umbrellas and tables as spacers we should be fine. HOWEVER WE CAN ONLY HAVE ONE CHAIR PER TABLE. So please, do not congregate under the covered area sitting on the tables. Do not pull chairs together under one umbrella. Everyone remind everyone else what we need to do.

And to that end, just 2 other reminders of guidelines that we already have in place, but people may have forgotten that relate to this topic:

  • If you arrive before your start time and the courts are full, please wait in your car or parking lot area until the court you are using is vacant. Do not wait in the social area as it makes it difficult to properly social distance and may make our overall maximum number too high
  • When you have finished playing pickleball for the day, please vacate the court/social area. Unfortunately we are not in a phase where it is okay to sit and socialize at this time

This new face covering requirement is in effect from 5pm Friday June 26 until at least Friday, July 17th. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation. Thank you.

And thank you to the unknown individual who left a baggie of beautifully made masks free for anyone who needs one on the pickleball table today. Your act of kindness is much appreciated!!

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!