Today I received an email that we, as a board, wanted to make all of you aware of:

On Friday, November 6th a person who eventually tested positive for Covid-19 participated in pickleball during community All Play. This individual stated that they felt fine on Friday while they were playing, but subsequently fell ill the next day while traveling back to their other residence. This person is no longer here in CF and only played pickleball on November 6th. They report very mild symptoms which led them to get tested on November 16th. They received their positive diagnosis today and sent me an email stating so.

Unfortunately at this time, I am not able to retrieve the Sign Up Genius list for those who participated in All Play on November 6th. Therefore, please look back through your calendars to make that determination for yourself. It has been 16 days since this possible exposure took place. However, if you feel you might have been exposed or would like more information on possible testing, please contact your physician.

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!