Since our first real cold stretch is upon us, I thought it might be a good time to send out some winter weather reminders:

Please do not attempt to clear the courts if they have ice or snow on them. Chipping ice or removing snow with metal shovels can damage the court’s surface. Play may need to be suspended for a while to allow them to naturally melt and dry. We will be removing some of the wind screens shortly to aid in this process. At times, you may also find that we have locked the entrance gates to keep people, especially guests without knowledge of our procedures, off the courts while they are unplayable.

With freezing temperatures predicted each night this week, I have removed the bleach and other water based cleaning supplies. As temperatures improve they will return to the cabinet/tabletop.

After some trial and error last year, we found that Penn pickleballs work best for limiting the amount of breakage in cold weather. These are the pickleballs that are currently in the community baskets. All the other pickleballs have been removed from play for the time being. If you’d rather not play with these, you are certainly welcome to bring your own pickleballs to use at any time. Please do not remove other pickleballs from the shed/ball machine/ball hoppers to use on the courts.

And finally, I want to send a big THANK YOU to all the ladies from the Developing Ladies specialty group that took towels home today for a quick wash and dry. They certainly needed it!! We appreciate your willingness to take your time and money to do that!!

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!