Bob Bennett has submitted his resignation from the Board. He and Terri will be traveling more extensively this year. As a part-time resident he just doesn’t feel that it is fair to not be here to fulfill his responsibilities. He would like to step off in May.

And as most of you know, my tenure as Chairperson is coming to an end July 1st. I have been in this position for 4 years, the maximum allowed. Due to the circumstances in my life, I would be stepping down regardless.

Therefore, we are looking for volunteers to fill both Board positions.

Please submit all nominations, self and others, to Cheryl Manzone by Sunday, May 14th at the end of the day. You can email names to I would also be happy to speak with anyone who is curious, but would like more information before throwing their hat into the ring. Call 410-812-4664.

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!