The CFPOA Rules and Regulations Task Force has contacted our club in order to inquire as to any updates/changes needed in our documents. We are sending the following:

  1. In the section “ Scheduling and Identifying the Type of Play” – we are removing the wording and explanations for “Advanced/Intermediate/Novice, Competitive Play and Open Recreational play”. We will continue to offer All Play, but do not schedule community play by levels anymore.
  2. In the same section, under “Arranged Game Format” we are adding the policy “Members of the same group are only allowed to reserve two courts per time session.”
  3. In the same section, under “Daily Dose” we are adding the wording “as scheduled by a facilitator” to the description.
  4. In the section “Rules for Play” – under the Arranged Game Format, we are again adding the policy “Members of the same group are only allowed to reserve two courts per time session”.

Brad Caldwell and Cheryl Manzone will be meeting with task force members in the near future regarding these changes. We will keep you updated.

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!