We are in the process of tabulating the final proceeds of this years tournament. Our total contribution to the the Connestee Falls Student Scholarship Fund is estimated to be $7000 +.

We want to thank all of the Connestee Residents who volunteered to help make our 9th annual Scholarship Tournament a great success. A lot of time and hard work, behind the scenes,  goes into a successful tournament.

Thank you to Lora Mason for her dedicated efforts in collecting all of the entry money and the registrations forms from the participating players.

Susan and Rich Gapen once again did a fantastic job in setting up the brackets and managing the play the days of the tournament. All of the participants commented on how well run and how smooth the transition between matches went. This would not have been possible without Rich and Susan’s dedicated effort and fantastic attention to detail. Thank you for all you have done!

Thank you to Bear Baila for sending out all of the marketing information to the former players and the clubs.

Thank you Kathy Cordier, Wanda Barrett, and Pat Pilek for taking charge of the snack table. Thank you to all of you who manned the food table during the event. It is much appreciated in that you all endured some very hot days. Thank you to all of the Connestee Pickleball players and residents that donated the food to supply the table.

Wanda Barrett and Pat Pilek hand made those great bag tags that were given to all of the tournament participants. Very creative!

Bill Buchler’s 50-50 raffle contributed $385 to the Scholarship fund.

Bill Buchler and Brad Caldwell took care of our court maintenance.

In an event their is always a volunteer that rises above. I want to thank AJ Longware for the many different rolls she played in this years tournament. Whatever the task she was there to help. Thank you.

Special thanks goes to all of the court monitors under the direction of Cheryl Manzone. You all provided a very critical part of the tournament managing play and keeping the tournament on schedule. We had some very hot days and we really appreciate your dedication.

Thanks Jose for being our tournament director and MC during  the tournament.

Speaking of hot days, Nancy Buchler provided  frozen refreshing towels to cool off the players coming off the courts after their matches. THESE WERE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!

Thank you all that helped us dry the courts, volunteers and spectators,  after the rain delay. This allowed us to get the tournament back up and running in a timely manner.

As you can all see it takes many to run a successful tournament.





Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!