On Saturday, September 9th from 2-4pm we have reserved all six courts for a Ladies Mixer. What’s that you ask? 

It’s a chance for female players of all levels to come together and play. The only requirement is that you already know how to play and have played at least a few times. And that you know how to score. In the interest of numbers, Connestee residents only please.

We’ll run some sort of round robin format so that you all get a chance to play with as many people as possible, some may be old friends, others you may not have ever met. 

After, from 4-5pm, we’ll host a social. BYOB and  a dish to share. 

If you’d like to join us, kindly email Debbie Dove at debbiecfpc@gmail.com by Tuesday September 5th with your name email, phone number, and estimated level (novice, intermediate, advanced).  We’d like firm commitments by then please so we can plan accordingly.

Come on out and join us! 

Your Ladies Mixer Hosts: Debbie, Leanne and Karen 

PS Any questions please feel free to contact Debbie at 561-358-8697 

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!