Give us your tired… longer need sneakers and training shoes
Cummings Cove is collecting athletic shoes for charity through the GotShoes Program and we’d like to help their cause. Please [...]
Cummings Cove is collecting athletic shoes for charity through the GotShoes Program and we’d like to help their cause. Please [...]
Social committee: Michele, AJ, Ellen, and Betsey What a spread: 12 different types of chili, all yummy! Pickle Chair Leanne [...]
Please come join us ….. and if you’re not entering the contest we ask that you kindly bring a snack, [...]
Happy January y’all! It’s a might chilly out there, here’s to the hearty souls who head out to the courts [...]
Training sessions on the Vaptr will be given by Tom Hunter the next two weeks on the following days and times: [...]
We would love to see some more participants in the chili cook off on Jan 29th from 12 to 230. [...]
How to turn them on And please make sure to turn them off when not in use. Thank you.
Headed by Board member Tom Hunter, we’d like to thank the following for all the hard work this fall to [...]
In a day or two we will be getting a couple of heaters from the clubhouse to help warm things [...]
Hey all, There was a typo with Betsey Merriken's email address in the last newsletter. If you want to enter [...]