I just wanted to make everyone aware of a dangerous situation that is currently at the courts. Today, on it’s own accord, the old green glasstop table literally exploded. Although the ladies group was playing, thank goodness no one was near it or using the table at that time. The glass shards have been swept into a pile under the table. Security was called. They came and placed caution tape around the area as well. SINCE MAINTENANCE HAS OFF FOR THE HOLIDAY, THIS GLASS WILL REMAIN AS IS UNTIL THEY COME TO REMOVE IT SOMETIME TOMORROW (Tuesday, July 6th).

Also be aware that glass shards most likely remain on the asphalt in the social area at this time and may become embedded in your tennis shoe tread. Please SCRAPE YOUR SHOES ON THE BRUSH PADS NEXT TO THE COURT GATES to keep these from coming on the courts or going home with you!

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!