Given that the Governor has lifted some of the Covid restrictions, and numbers are beginning to lessen, we have decided to reopen community play as of Monday, March 15th. That means All Play, Lessons, Daily Dose and Specialty Groups for Pickles and Pairs and Developing Ladies will return to the calendar. Participation will have caps in all of these. Therefore, reservations will be REQUIRED up to three days ahead of time through Sign Up Genius as we have done in the past.

In order to protect the health and safety of all players, please do not register those who have not been directly sent the link. Guests are not allowed to attend community play. They are still welcome in arranged games.

We are also asking that players adhere to CDC guidelines and voluntarily self quarantine when returning to CF after traveling for 7 (with a negative test) or 10 (without a test) days. These recommendations hold whether you have had or not had a vaccine. We appreciate your understanding and observance.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Manzone at

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!