Attached is The Club’s Financial Report as of May 15, 2024, which includes year to date results, the budget for this year and our results for 2023. 

Notable items:

1/ The ball machine came in over budget ($2590 vs 1800) as we upgraded to a more robust machine and added extras like the remote and phone app. We have 38 members who have signed up to use the Lobster Ball Machine aka Lobzilla and we have more than covered the overage by subscription fees.

2/ In December we made the decision to purchase Selkirks which has dramatically increased the longevity of our stock of pickleballs. We anticipate saving approximately $500 this year as a result of this decision. 

In the interest of time and a desire to focus on more strategic items, we will not be reviewing any financial information at the upcoming Annual Meeting on June 6, 2024. However, Debbie Dove, Club Treasurer, will be more than happy to address any questions you may have via email at or by phone, 561-358-8697.

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!