Pickleball Board Meeting Minutes

Our meeting was held on March 20, 2024. All board members present: Michele Varian (social), Debbie Dove (treasurer), Tom Hunter (maintenance), Chris Wunder (tournaments) and Leanne Ely (chair).

Debbie gave the Treasurer’s report: 

To date, we have spent $2973 of our $5700 budget, of which $2177 reflects the purchase of the Lobster ball machine which has been well received by members. Our current bank balance stands at $1285. 

Speaking of the Lobster–we raised an additional $135 by naming it. The winner is LOBZILLA and the winner is Cynthia Lunceford! Cynthia won a $25 gift certificate to Quixote. 

The new Lobster ball machine/training is going well, new fobs and apps have been added to make it easier. If you’re interested in seeing how the machine works and if it’s right for you, please email Debbie Dove, debdove@gmail.com

You can now sign up for the ball machine on SignUpGenuis if you’ve become a member. It’s $30 for the rest of the year–and well worth it, watch what it does for your game!

We voted unanimously as a board to keep our account balance above $1000 at all times. 

The round robins organized by Member Ambassador Debbie Dove have been going well–new ones will be added. Watch your email!

The next one for ladies is April 23rd. Mark your calendar–spaces are limited! We encourage all ladies to participate–we’ll be mixing up the levels and having some great matches.

Don’t forget about Novice play–every Monday and Thursday during All Play on Court 6! 

Watch for our new website–fun stuff in the works!

We are collecting used pickleball paddles you no longer have use for. There will be a bin at the courts–just drop them there. 

Mark your calendars for our annual meeting! Food, fun and updates about what’s up with our club–we’ll be meeting at Ataghi Pavillion on Thursday, June 6th 3-6. 

Survey results were many and they will be presented at our annual meeting in June. For now, here are the biggest highlights that we are working on to implement as a board:

*The ability to find a game without having to text endlessly. Stay tuned, working on the solution.

*Level specific games during All Play–watch your email for details. 

*More training. We hear you! Deb Richter is back with Skills and Drills (check SignUpGenuis) and don’t forget Lobzilla! Become a member and start using the ball machine–it’s a game changer if I hadn’t mentioned that before. (hint, hint)

*Advanced players to help with lower level players. We hear you on that, too. Please reach out to me (Leanne) at lulucooks@gmail.com or Debbie Dove debdove@gmail.com and we’ll see if we can hook you up with one of our advanced players to critique a game or help your foursome play better! Our folks are the best and are here to help!

Many thanks to the POA for their support–the garden has been cleaned up and is looking pretty spiffy. 

Respectfully submitted,

Leanne Ely

Chair, Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!