Good afternoon Pickleball Club,

Last night, your committee met. Herein please find the minutes from our meeting:

  1. Financial report from treasurer Debbie Dove. Ending balance $1384.00 for the year. Budget for 2024 approved. 
  1. Maintenance report from Tom. Vaptr “rug” replaced, and new one purchased. Ball warmer is working well! We will be labeling the ball holders on each court with a reminder to return balls to the ball warmer after play. Vaptr training will be posted and training is mandatory to use the machine to dry courts.
  1. Calendar for 2024: date for chili cookoff (Jan. 29th noon-2:30), tournaments (Reitman June 15th-16th. Connestee Falls Student Scholarship September 13th-15th)
  1. New ball machine purchase coming in March! The board decided on the Lobster 2. 
  1. More round robin socials–women’s round robin in November was a success. Next up men’s and mixed, dates to be announced via email.
  1. Email list is being cleaned up and centralized to create a master list. Old residents being purged, adding people from SignUpGenuis etc. 
  1. Fundraising ideas were discussed including moonlight pickleball (stay tuned!) and a Connestee Falls cookbook.
  1. We’re in discussion about covering courts or new courts.

We came up with a mission statement for our Pickleball Club: 

The Connestee Falls Pickleball Club is dedicated to fostering the expansion and enthusiasm for pickleball through clinics, tournaments, social events and organized play. Our goal is to create a community that not only enjoys the competitive spirit of the game, but also revels in the fun and camaraderie that comes with it.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out. My email address is

Respectfully submitted,

Leanne Ely

Chair, Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!