The nominations for one open position on the committee has ended as of September 22. However during that time, Dave Varian has submitted his resignation from the committee for personal reasons, thus creating a second open position. As it works out we have received 2 nominations for positions on the committee, therefore no elections are necessary.
We are pleased to announce that Chris Wunder and Tom Hunter will be new members of the Pickleball Committee. Both terms will begin October 1, 2023. Once the new Committee members begin, the Committee members themselves will decide who will fill what role based on each person’s experience, interest, and talents. Congratulations and welcome aboard!!
Chris and his wife Marji have been resident of CF for 8 years. Chris’s career included professional photographer and Franchise Developer.
Tom and his wife Susan Riley have been resident of CF for 4 years. Tom’s career was as a Environmental Health and Safety Manager.
Both Chris and Tom bring enthusiasm and the love of pickleball to the committee. Thank you both.