“Lost and Found”

There have been a number of clothing items as well as other items left at the courts and are now in the “lost and found”.  Please check the bin under the water jug this week and claim you items. Next Monday, any items that haven’t been claimed will be  washed and taken to Sharing House. (thanks June)

New Balls

Our new Club Ball is the Onix Fuse, the same ball we used at the tournament.  All of the older balls have been marked with a “P” for practice. Let’s try to keep them separate from the court balls. If you want to practice, please use and return the “P” balls to the ball caddy.

There should only be 2 court balls in the tubes for each court. For safety reasons please play your games with one ball only and return the balls to the tube after play! Your mother isn’t going to be at the courts to pick up after you.

 Eye protection

 Please, make sure you wear some type of eye protection at all times on the courts!

If you want confirmation as to the importance of this simple sight saving concept, just ask Bill Buckler why he endorses “eye Protection”…

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!