Sadly Covid cases continue to rise in Transylvania County. Fortunately for us, our courts have been able to remain open. With that in mind, I thought it might be a good time to stop and be reminded of why we are taking all the precautions that we are.

Below is a link to a recent video from CJ Johnson as she speaks with Dr. Sarah Webb about playing pickleball in these times of Covid. I think it reinforces that we are doing everything we can to protect one another as we continue to play.

But we still need your help. Remember, if you aren’t feeling well, please stay home. If you aren’t feeling right, please tell the folks you have played with. If you have traveled or had company, please take a break from the courts. Free Covid testing is available at the Brevard Music Center each week. The urgent care by Food Lion is also a testing site. If needed, please use them.

Remember, we are all in this together. Our courts are only as safe as we continue to make them.

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!