Hello Connestee Pickleball players!!
Fall is definitely here and some of our players are heading south,(north, west, or east) .  We are consolidating play next week and with all the holidays and travel…. we’re going to try something a little different this year.  The hour before open play begins (9-10), M-Th, we’ll organize a “Daily Dose” of drills and small games, open to everyone to concentrate on certain skills.
I do want to stress that this is not a session to teach the skills.  Most of us know how to serve, return, dink, volley and have an idea of the drop shot (third shot). These sessions will give you drills and games to practice accuracy, efficiency, depth, court positioning, transitioning from service line to the “no volley line”…..  And as we set up the activities, each of you can notice the good and the bad and try to help your teammates.
Let’s try this for a while and we will check back with everyone for feedback after a couple of weeks. I hope that these sessions will give you ideas and motivation to work, drill, and practice for that hour no matter who is there.
If there is an aspect of the game that you really want to practice, please let me know. I’ll put something together for you.  And if anyone still feels like they need instruction on the shots, please contact me.  I’m happy to work with you to help you enjoy the game.
See you on the courts!!

Deb Richter

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!