Good Morning Pickleballers!

We are seeking nominations from our membership for a new social chairperson.

Betsey Merriken, who has served for the last 3 years, is leaving when her term is up in January.

Betsey has served tirelessly and faithfully for our community and has been instrumental in creating cohesive and fun socials as well as chairing the food for the tournament and steering our charity efforts for Sharing House in November.

Betsey, Walter and Winslow (their Golden Retriever) are moving to Durango, CO. And while we’re happy for them, we’ll miss them terribly. The next time you see Betsey, please let her know how much her contribution to our club has meant to you.

If you are interested in filling this position or would like to nominate someone, please email me at

The nomination time period is 2 weeks–we will share the names of those nominated and put their names out for a vote.

The term in office is 2 years. If you have any questions, again please email me.

Pickle On,

Leanne Ely

Chair, Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!