Below you will find a link to a brief survey to determine the future of Sign Up Genius use by our club. Since many people are now vaccinated and Covid restrictions are easing, we may not need to be as restrictive with our numbers or keep records of who is attending play at the courts. Currently, the maximum outside gathering number for an area is now up to 100. Since we have two fenced areas, technically that means that we can have up to 200 people in the pickleball facility and be in compliance (which is great for tournament time in September!)

Prior to Covid, we ran our program strictly by publishing a monthly calendar indicating group times and days for various play and people “dropped in and out” of play as they wanted. We also welcomed visitors and guests to attend community play. Are we ready to return to those practices?

Since we use the free version of Survey Monkey, we will only be able to see the first 49 responses to the questions. Once that level is completed, I will resend the link as a “new” survey, even though it will contain the exact same questions. That way we can collect another 49 responses. PLEASE ONLY COMPLETE THE SURVEY ONE TIME! Answers will be collected until we have obtained our limit for responses allowed, or until Monday April 19th, whichever comes first.

Thanks for letting us hear your voice!

Connestee Falls Pickleball Club

Let’s Play!